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5 Slide Series

Volume 128

5 Slide Mini-Series Edition #4: Suicide and Homicide Rates by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age

This edition quantifies death rates, and firearm death rates, by race/ethnicity, gender, and age. A couple examples of the findings/tabulations include:

  • American Indian and White subgroups commit suicide at rates above the overall US average. Firearms play a relatively modest role in American Indian suicides.
  • Black Americans were homicide victims at 4 times the overall USA average rate during 2021; 88% of these deaths were via firearms.
  • Males die of suicide and homicide at rates several times the females’ rate.
  • Suicide rates are fairly even across different adult age cohorts. Homicide victims, however, are concentrated in the 15-45 year age cohort. This group accounted for 40% of the overall population but 77% of homicide deaths during 2021.
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