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Tag: Medicare

5-Slide Series

This edition explores the dynamics of optimal coordinated care, in relation to governmental policies/actions and MCO operational activities.  There are several combinations of ways that optimal care coordination programs are not yet being achieved. The construct described may be useful in identifying how a given program can be modified to better yield an optimal setting for facilitating access to needed care, ensuring that the services rendered are as cost-effective as possible, and helping covered populations maintain and improve their health status over the course of their daily lives.  The years ahead create exciting opportunities to widen and strengthen partnerships between state and federal governments and the MCO industry in the Medicaid and Medicare arena.

5-Slide Series

This edition of the Series tabulates state average NCQA quality scores across the health plans that have been rated by NCQA.  Separate averages have been calculated for Medicaid health plans, Medicare plans, and private plans.


The 2013 SNP Alliance Advanced Practice and Profile Report is the sixth edition of SNP performance findings for members of the SNP Alliance. The SNP Alliance is a national leadership group of 30 organizations that collectively represent more than half of current national SNP enrollment. The Menges Group authored the 2013 report.

5-Slide Series

This edition of our 5-slide series portrays dual eligible demographics, showing the number of duals in each state broken out between full duals and partial duals. We also show the percentage mix of duals in each state by gender and by age (65+ vs. under-65), and the rate of increase in the number of duals in each state between 2005 and 2010.

5-Slide Series

This edition summarizes Medicare Advantage (and overall Medicare) demographic information.  The report also quantifies enrollment and penetration dynamics between urban and rural counties.  Statistics are provided on the distribution of the Medicare beneficiary population and the Medicare Advantage enrollee population by county population size and by each county’s urban/rural rating (per the Department of Agriculture).

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