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Tag: Enrollment

5-Slide Series

The health policy cows are back for April’s report, which presents data and opinions regarding the need to pilot-test implementing managed care in the Medicare arena in a similar manner as typically occurs in Medicaid — mandatory enrollment of beneficiaries into a small number of competitively selected MCOs.

5-Slide Series

This October edition of the Five Slide Series quantifies the monthly influx of the Medicaid expansion population through March of 2015. Expansion enrollment increased throughout the 15 month period in 14 of the 15 states reviewed.

5-Slide Series

This edition of our Five Slide Series is Medicare-focused, policy-oriented, and qualitative and opinionated in nature. We report on the achievements the Medicaid program has made in the mandatory enrollment MCO model, and convey our thoughts on testing a similar approach in Medicare.

5-Slide Series

This edition of our Five Slide Series focuses quantitatively on Medicaid’s “footprint” in terms of the proportion of the country’s population served by the program by age, gender, and race. Our finding agree with the national consensus; Medicaid plays a disproportionately large role in covering our youngest residents, women, and many minority subgroups.


This report assesses Medicaid MCO quality scores as published annually by NCQA. One of the report’s key findings is that there does not appear to be any relationship between Medicaid MCOs’ enrollment levels and their quality scores. Another is that high-scoring plans are disproportionately concentrated in certain states – with these patterns often recurring (with different health plans in these same states) with regard to quality scores in the Medicare and private insurance sectors. This leads us to conclude that some geographic areas are more conducive to high scores than others – and that MCOs making the same efforts in quality would likely obtain very different quality scores based on the market area in which they operate. Our report also identifies the Medicaid MCOs with both large enrollment and high quality scores, the MCOs that stand out most favorably relative to average scores within their state, and the NCQA-accredited MCOs achieving the greatest improvements in their quality scores between 2010 and 2013.

5-Slide Series

This edition of our 5-slide series portrays dual eligible demographics, showing the number of duals in each state broken out between full duals and partial duals. We also show the percentage mix of duals in each state by gender and by age (65+ vs. under-65), and the rate of increase in the number of duals in each state between 2005 and 2010.

5-Slide Series

This edition provides demographic and cost information in children in foster care state by state along with nationwide totals. On average during 2010, 885,000 foster children were covered by Medicaid. Average Medicaid costs per foster child were $6,476 in 2010, ranging from a low of $3,217 in Washington State to a high of $20,084 in Vermont. Eighteen percent of national Medicaid spending on foster children was paid via capitation to health plans during 2010.

5-Slide Series

This edition summarizes Medicare Advantage (and overall Medicare) demographic information.  The report also quantifies enrollment and penetration dynamics between urban and rural counties.  Statistics are provided on the distribution of the Medicare beneficiary population and the Medicare Advantage enrollee population by county population size and by each county’s urban/rural rating (per the Department of Agriculture).

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