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Month: April 2020

5-Slide Series

This edition provides COVID-19 case and death trends at the state and national level through April 23, also including information for each US territory. Our key encouraging finding is that for two consecutive weeks the number of new confirmed cases has decreased nationwide (relative to the previous week). The more disturbing finding is that these decreases have been modest in size, with a massive number of new confirmed cases still occurring. This past week the nation averaged over 28,000 new confirmed cases per day. This rate of new confirmed cases is far above where it stood four weeks ago.

5-Slide Series

This edition of the Series focuses on US counties, showing the degree to which Americans reside in counties that may have moved past their peak in terms of new cases (52.2%), versus residing in counties where confirmed cases per day are still trending upward (42.5%). This edition also conveys detailed data about the nation’s 25 counties with the largest per capita rate of confirmed COVID cases as of April 22, and about the nation’s 25 largest counties.

5-Slide Series

This edition tabulates the past week’s progression of cases and deaths at the state and nationwide levels. The rate of new cases per day is still quite high (nearly 30,000 nationally) but did decrease 9% during the week of April 9-16 versus the previous week. Most states are experiencing a drop-off in new cases per day. However, the rate of new cases per day increased in 16 states this past week.

COVID-attributed deaths doubled nationally between the cumulative figure as of April 9 and as of April 16.

5-Slide Series

This edition conveys the distribution of US counties by new confirmed cases of COVID-19 and COVID-attributed deaths from April 1-15. Across the 25 counties with the largest per capita rates of confirmed cases, the number of daily new cases has decreased by 9 percentage points this past week relative to the prior week; however, the COVID-19 attributed deaths in these counties increased by 58%. We also convey an analysis of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the 25 counties with largest total population.

5-Slide Series

This edition tabulates state level information on the progression of COVID-19 cases and deaths.  A significant finding is that the rate of new confirmed cases per day continues to rise sharply – the daily average increase from April 2 to April 9 was 32,734, up 54% from the prior week’s average of 21,300.  The nearly 11,000 COVID-19 deaths that occurred this week are roughly twice the number of COVID deaths that occurred in all prior weeks combined.

5-Slide Series

This edition identifies and ranks the 100 “hot spot” counties with the largest rate of confirmed cases per capita, and provides various statistical information on each of these. Collectively, while these 100 counties represent 10% of the USA population, they account for a majority of the nation’s confirmed cases (58%) and COVID-attributed deaths (64%).

5-Slide Series

This edition tracks the past week’s explosive progression of COVID-19 cases and deaths in each state and territory. Nationwide, confirmed cases nearly tripled and deaths increased by a factor of 4.5.

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