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5 Slide Series

Our 5 Slide Series allows us to regularly present objective analyses and trends on issues we believe are of interest and share our findings through data tabulations and visualizations.

This edition focuses on the share of the overall population that receives Medicaid, and how this percentage has trended throughout the past decade nationally and state by state. Between Medicaid expansion, COVID dynamics, and some shifts in the economy’s performance, the past ten years have created several interesting Medicaid enrollment trends and large-scale shifts. Altogether, Medicaid enrollment jumped up 57% from 2013-2022, an increase of 36.2 million persons. Kentucky has experienced the largest rate of growth, ranking 42nd during 2013 in terms of the proportion of its overall population receiving Medicaid coverage and moving all the way to 8th as of 2022.

This edition looks at state implementation of Medicaid postpartum coverage extension and Medicaid expansion by state. We also present rates of postpartum care utilization in the Medicaid population before and after implementation of postpartum coverage extension. As of March 2023, 45 states and D.C. have implemented Medicaid expansion and/or Medicaid postpartum coverage extension.

This edition explores ways to make optimal use of available resources to help fill the extensive gaps in behavioral health care (BH) that exist in the US.

The information tabulated and presented shows the progression of Medicare Special Needs Plan (SNP) health plan participation and SNP enrollment across the past decade – looking specifically at January of 2013, 2018, and 2023. By just about every measure, the SNP program has achieved tremendous growth.

This edition looks at state-level and national Medicaid spending trends, first overall and then by the share of Medicaid spending that is paid via capitation.

This edition conveys tabulations on overall death rates and COVID death rates by state, including grouping states by the Governor’s political party.

This edition looks at the progression of COVID deaths and death rates by year in different cohorts (e.g., age and race/ethnicity).

This edition looks at the progression of capitation contracting in the Medicaid program at the national and state levels. As s a percentage of total Medicaid spending, capitation contracting has grown 31.1% in FFY2013 to 55.9% in FFY2021. National Medicaid spending via capitation was 47% larger than fee-for-service payments during FFY2021. In two states, Iowa and Hawaii, capitation payments represented more than 90% of overall Medicaid expenditures during FFY2021.

This edition looks at the collective financial performance of a large group of MCOs across the 2018-2021 timeframe. Our key findings are that the health plans performed quite well during the COVID-impacted years of 2020 and 2021 – better than they had performed during the pre-COVID years of 2018 and 2019. Revenues and operating margins grew particularly sharply across these health plans’ Medicaid line of business during 2020 and 2021.

This edition presents the progression of large publicly traded health companies’ stock prices from January 1, 2019 through July 1, 2022. Our key purpose was to summarize stock prices through the COVID pandemic relative to the year before the pandemic began. While the pandemic has been devastating to thousands of small business, the large publicly traded companies fared pretty well as a group during the pandemic. Large health companies stock prices fared even better. Health insurance companies’ stock prices rose faster still, averaging a 55% increase from January 1, 2020 to July 1, 2022).

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