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Tag: Enrollment

5-Slide Series

The second edition of our Medicaid Unwinding and Redeterminations 5 Slide Mini-Series explores Medicaid coverage renewal outcomes across states during the unwinding period (March 2023- July 2024).

5-Slide Series

This first edition of our Medicaid Unwinding and Redeterminations 5 Slide Mini-Series provides an overview of Medicaid eligibility and enrollment trends during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE).

5-Slide Series

This edition conveys some of our perspectives related to the current reinstatement of Medicaid redeterminations. This is an important time period to capture (and share) detailed information on how Medicaid enrollees can best be successfully reached, as well as the dynamics of continuous enrollment, coverage retention and loss. We delineate several specific data points that will be valuable to collect.

5-Slide Series

This edition focuses on the share of the overall population that receives Medicaid, and how this percentage has trended throughout the past decade nationally and state by state. Between Medicaid expansion, COVID dynamics, and some shifts in the economy’s performance, the past ten years have created several interesting Medicaid enrollment trends and large-scale shifts. Altogether, Medicaid enrollment jumped up 57% from 2013-2022, an increase of 36.2 million persons. Kentucky has experienced the largest rate of growth, ranking 42nd during 2013 in terms of the proportion of its overall population receiving Medicaid coverage and moving all the way to 8th as of 2022.

5-Slide Series

The information tabulated and presented shows the progression of Medicare Special Needs Plan (SNP) health plan participation and SNP enrollment across the past decade – looking specifically at January of 2013, 2018, and 2023. By just about every measure, the SNP program has achieved tremendous growth.

5-Slide Series

The May edition outlines a pilot program we encourage Medicare policymakers to adopt. It involves testing Medicaid’s key design features in the Medicare arena, which if successful could evolve into a fundamental transformation of Medicare as has occurred with Medicaid (whose transformation also began with pilot testing of this approach). We will be releasing a full paper on this framework with a couple months.

5-Slide Series

This edition assesses whether differences exist in overall economic performance that might help explain the Medicaid enrollment trend differences that were identified in our January 2019 edition of the Series. We have presented the unemployment rate progression from 2010 to 2017 by state, comparing aggregate unemployment rates across states that did and did not adopt Medicaid expansion.

5-Slide Series

This edition tracks the national Medicaid enrollment projection from January 2014 through September 2017, showing enrollment growth dynamics between the expansion and non-expansion population, and across states that adopted Medicaid expansion versus those electing not to do so.

5-Slide Series

This edition conveys the progression of the number of Medicare Special Needs Plans (SNPs) and enrollment from December 2010 through January 2018. As of January 2018, overall SNP enrollment reached an all-time high of more than 2.5 million persons, the vast majority of whom are dual eligibles covered by Medicaid and Medicare.

5-Slide Series

As of September 2016, 32% of Medicare beneficiaries were enrolled in a Medicare Advantage health plan. This edition produces MCO penetration statistics for each state and provides some county level tabulations. For example, in 137 counties Medicare health plans currently serve more than half of the Medicare beneficiaries residing in that county. The highest statewide penetration is in Minnesota (55.5%).

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